The GLÜCKSGEFÜHLE Festival 2025 will take place from 11.09. - 14.09.2025 at the Hockenheimring (Baden-Württemberg). The campsite opens on Thursday (11.09.25) at 12 pm and closes on Sunday (14.09.25) at 2 pm.
Opening Times
Opening hours festival area:
- Friday 12.09.2025, 12:00 - 01:00 h
- Saturday 13.09.2025, 12:00 - 01:00 h
Admission begins at 12 am on the respective day of the event.
The programme on the Euphoria Stage and the Cloud 9 Stage starts at 14 noon and ends at 11 pm.
The official end on both festival days is at 01:00.
For all campers, part of the festival site will open on Thursday from 17:00 - 24:00 for the pre-party.
The campsite opens on Thursday (11.09.25) at 12 noon and closes on Sunday (14.09.25) at 2 pm.
Ticket Selection
Each person requires a festival ticket for access to the festival site.
Every person who wishes to stay on the regular campsite needs an extra ticket. It is not possible to stay overnight or visit friends without a ticket.
For the WoMo Camp, every person who stays overnight also needs an extra WoMo Camping ticket. In addition a WoMo vehicle ticket must be puchased for each vehicle used for sleeping. As with the Regular Camp, only people with a corresponding ticket are admitted to the WoMo Camp.
For the accommodation in the Supreme Camp, each person in an accommodation requires a ticket. The accommodation can only be booked as a whole. -
Overnight Stay
We offer you the following accommodation options:
In your own tent on our camping site
With caravan or camper on the WoMo camping site
Comfortably in one of our ready to move in glamping tents
Parking Fee
Parking on site in our car parks is free of charge. You do not need a car parkticket.
We are Glücksgefühle. On the festival grounds as well as on the camping site. Violence, weapons & drugs do not fit here.
During the event, waste must be disposed of in the garbage cans and containers provided for this purpose.
Photo, sound & video
Photo, sound and video recordings for private purpose made with cell phones or small cameras (without interchangeable lens) are allowed.
For professional recordings please contact us via e-mail: presse@gluecksgefuehle-festival.de.
Youth protection
The visit of the GLÜCKSGEFÜHLE Festival is unfortunately only possible from the age of 18 due to youth protection and safety reasons. This means that under 18 years old are not allowed to enter the festival and the camping area. This also applies to children and young people accompanied by a parent or guardian.
We make sure that our festival grounds are barrier-free. Unfortunately, a barrier-free design is not possible on the VIP decks.
Of course, we also make sure that the camping areas are as barrier-free as possible. -
Information for people with disabilities
We make sure that our entire festival site is barrier-free. Of course, this also includes the camping areas.
Visitors with a “B” in their disabled pass may bring one accompanying person free of charge. To do this, a regular ticket must be purchased and information sent to ticketing@gluecksgefuehle-festival.de with the following details: Name of visitor, date of birth, order number, contact, name of accompanying person, contact of accompanying person.
Each person needs their own camping ticket for the campsite. However, on presentation of your ID with a “B” marking, you will be able to camp with an accompanying person on C3 and park on P1.
Parking for day visitors and full weekend guests is available on H2 (behind the Home of Speed Museum). Please note that prior registration is required by e-mail to parken@hockenheimring.de or by telephone on +49 (0)6205 950-222. The authorization form will be sent to you by post in the run-up to the festival. Before entering the festival grounds, the authorization form must be attached to the windscreen of your vehicle so that it is clearly legible.
Local Transportation
Hockenheim is easily accessible by train from the surrounding towns and cities, with the S9, RB67 and RE9 stopping at the station.
Anreise mit Partybusse
Feierlustige aufgepasst! Beim GLÜCKSFEFÜHLE Festival ist ausgelassenes Feiern ein Muss – doch Alkohol am Steuer ist tabu. Mit Partybusse.de erreicht ihr sicher das Festival, ohne einen Fahrer aus eurer Gruppe zu bestimmen. Lehnt euch zurück, stoßt schon unterwegs an und genießt das größte Musikfestival Deutschlands ohne Anreisestress.
Free drinking water
There will be free drinking water stations available and signposted throughout the festival and Camping area.
Get it now!
Before you can enter the festival grounds through the entrance gate at the Continental roundabout, you will need a valid festival wristband. You can get this in the tent "Bandausgabe/ Ticketswap" behind the south stand.
Holders of a VIP or LP10 Supreme Base ticket can, after receiving their festival wristband, keep to the right at the entrance gate for fast lane access.
After that, nothing stands in the way of a good dose of happiness!
Gibt es Schließfächer?
Ja, genieße unser Festival in vollen Zügen - ohne dir Sorgen um deine Wertsachen zu machen. SafeBOXen verwahren deine Wertsachen sicher an einem gut zugänglichen Ort. Dank eingebauter Steckdose kannst du deine Technik Gadgets versorgen.
Schließfächer findest du sowohl am Haupteingang, auf dem Festivalgelände als auch auf den Campingplätzen (Green Camping, C3, C5Z, C9). Ein Schließfach kannst du in unserem Ticketshop unter dem Reiter: Extras erwerben.
Lost items
Lost items can be requested from the lost and found office in Hockenheim: info@hockenheim.de or 06205-210
What else do I have to consider?
You are not allowed to bring your own drinks or food from outside onto the festival site.
Bags up to a size of DIN A4 are permitted. Foldable water bottles such as these are also permitted: Festival bottle
There is a complete ban on glass on both the festival and camping grounds. -
Strom auf dem Festival
Mit unserem Partner Maentum habt ihr die Möglichkeit, euch mobile Powerbanks auszuleihen, damit ihr eure Mobiltelefone auf dem Festival laden könnt.
Lost ticket
You can have your tickets resent to you via the following link https://account.paylogic.com/i-lost-my-tickets.
If you have any further questions, please contact our ticketing colleagues: ticketing@gluecksgefuehle-festival.de
View order in account
The link below will take you directly to the overview of your orders. From there you can view your orders and take further actions, such as downloading tickets: LINK
Payment methods
Payments are possible via Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit card, installment payment, instant bank transfer and VISA.
ATTENTION: The payment method of installment payment is only possible until 01.06.2025!
Hard tickets
Yes, for the GLÜCKSGEFÜHLE Festival 2025 you can again choose between Print@Home and Hardtickets when purchasing your tickets. Please note that the hard tickets will take a little longer to reach you than the Print@Home tickets. We expect an approximate waiting time of eight working days.
It is not possible to exchange a hard ticket for an e-ticket or vice versa at a later date.
I have ordered my tickets as hard tickets. Are e-tickets also available for download?
No. The tickets are only available as hard tickets.
How do I change my access data for the ticket shop?
To change your data, please log in to your account and go to the settings. If you follow this link, you will be taken directly to the settings. Here you can change your personal data: Link.
Do I have to personalize my tickets?
For the GLÜCKSGEFÜHLE Festival 2025, all tickets must be personalized to the name of the respective ticket user. The personalization of tickets is possible until September 13, 2025 at 11:59 pm.
How can I personalize my ticket?
To personalize your tickets, please proceed as described below:
1. open your confirmation email and click on “Personalize”. Or open the order in your GLÜCKSGEFÜHLE account.
2. select the tickets you would like to personalize and click on “Assign tickets”
3. choose whether you want to personalize the ticket to yourself (please note that only one ticket per category can be personalized to yourself) or whether you want to send it to another person for personalization.
4. now enter the e-mail address of the person to whose name the ticket should be personalized and confirm this by clicking on “send”. alternatively, you can also have a link generated that you can forward to the person concerned. Please note that a different e-mail address must be used for each ticket.
5. the specified person will now receive an invitation to personalize their ticket. Before personalization is possible, this person must also create a Glücksgefühle account or log in to an existing account.
6. as soon as a ticket has been personalized, it is possible to call up and download the e-ticket.
How can I re-personalize my ticket?
If you have already personalized a ticket and would now like to personalize it for another person, please proceed as described below:
1. click on “Manage order” at the bottom of your order confirmation email. Or open the order in your GLÜCKSGEFÜHLE account.
2. now click on “More” in the bar above the tickets and on “Repersonalization”.
3. select the ticket to be repersonalized and enter the e-mail address of the person to whom the ticket is to be personalized
4. pay the fee for the re-personalization.
5. the specified person will now receive an invitation to personalize their ticket. Please note that the re-personalization means that the re-personalized ticket will now be in its own new order with a new order number. If you want to repersonalize it again, you must use the order confirmation email for this “new” order or open the relevant new order in your account.
Important: Repersonalization can only be carried out by the main purchaser of the order!
Kann ich mit dem Ticket den ÖPNV nutzen?
Mit Vorzeigen des personalisierten VRN-Kombi-Ticket könnt ihr während des Veranstaltungszeitraumes vom 11.- 14.09.2025 die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel im Rhein-Neckar Kreis nutzen.
Wie viele Tickets kann ich maximal bestellen?
Pro Bestellung können maximal 10 Ticketprodukte ausgewählt werden.
How do I get my festival wristband?
A festival ticket is required for entry to the festival site. Campers can exchange this for their festival wristband at the check-in tents at the entrance to the camping area. For all others, check-in tents will be available on the forecourt to the festival site where you will receive your festival wristband. This will give you access to the festival site.
Please contact our ticketing colleagues here: ticketing@gluecksgefuehle-festival.de.
The GLÜCKSGEFÜHE Festival 2024 will take place from 12.09. - 15.09.2024 at the Hockenheimring (Baden-Württemberg). The campsite opens on Thursday (12.09.24) at 12 noon and closes on Sunday (15.09.24) at 2 pm. It is also possible to arrive and depart at any time between Thursday (12 noon) and Sunday (2 pm) with the camping ticket.
Where can I stay overnight?
We offer you the following accommodation options:
In your tent on our campsite
With a caravan or motorhome on the WoMo campsite
Comfortably in one of our ready-to-use glamping tents / huts
Caravan Camping
Caravans, motorhomes, converted vans, roof tents and tent trailers are permitted for caravan camping. Cars (with the exception of towing vehicles) are not permitted here! A corresponding campervan vehicle ticket is required for each vehicle.
Sufficient power distribution boxes with the familiar camping power connections will be placed on the motorhome pitches (C5 and C6), which are already included in the ticket price for motorhome tickets, but please remember that you will need your own extension cable and possibly a CEE adapter.
In the rare exceptional case of a larger group travelling together, where one part would like to camp in a caravan and the other in tents, this is also possible. However, the people who wish to camp in tents will then also require a corresponding WoMo Camping Ticket.
Example Caravan-Camping
One campervan ticket is required per person
In addition, one campervan ticket is required per vehicle (motorhome, camper, caravan, etc.) in which overnight accommodation is provided on the campervan site. It is also possible to pitch tents next to the campervan.
Example: You are travelling with 4 people in a motorhome.
The following tickets are required:
1x (C5 or C6) camping ticket
4x (C5 or C6) Vehicle camping ticket (not all of them have to sleep in the campervan. It is also possible to spend the night in tents, which are pitched next to the motorhome).
Overnight stays are permitted in motorhomes, campers, converted vans, caravans, cars with roof tents, tent trailers, tents, etc.
Overnight stays in normal cars are not permitted.
Green Camping
Das Green Camping befindet sich auf dem P2Z. Wir bitten euch hier in der Zeit von 01 Uhr nachts bis 08 Uhr morgens die Nachtruhe eurer Campingnachbarn zu respektieren. Es dürfen ausschließlich Zelte und Pavillons ohne Zusatzbauten aufgebaut werden. Campingstühle sind natürlich zulässig, aber auf große Möbel wie Sessel, Sofas, Betten und Kühlschränke muss verzichtet werden. Im Sinne von Green Camping achtet bitte ganz besonders darauf eure Sachen nach dem Festival wieder mitzunehmen und euren Campingplatz sauber zu verlassen. Wenn ihr anstatt eures bisherigen Campingplatzes lieber das Green Camping nutzen möchtet, dann meldet euch bitte mit eurer Bestellnummer bei ticketing@gluecksgefuehle-festival.de
Electricity at the caravan campsites
On the campervan pitches (C5 and C6) there will be sufficient power distribution boxes with the usual camping power connections, which are already included in the ticket price for campervan tickets, but please remember that you will need your own extension cable and possibly a CEE adapter.
We offer power stations for hire at the regular campsites.
Drinking water
Free drinking water stations will be signposted throughout the festival and camping site.
Gibt es eine Stromversorgung auf den regulären Campingplätzen?
Ihr habt die Möglichkeit euch eine Powerstation auf eurem jeweiligen regulären Campingplatz (C3, C5Z & C9) mit Vorzeigen des Tickets zu mieten. Das Ticket kann in unserem Ticketshop unter dem Reiter: Extras erworben werden.
Bei leerer Powerstation ist selbstverständlich ein kostenloser Umtausch an der Station auf dem jeweiligen Campingplatz möglich.
Can I stay overnight in my car on the campsite?
Cars are not permitted on the campsite and must be parked in a separate car park provided for this purpose. For safety reasons, it is not permitted to spend the night inside a car, in car parks or similar.
With the tent on the WoMo campsite
In individual cases it is possible to stay overnight in normal tents at the campervan pitches, but it is important to note that every person who wants to stay at the campervan campsite also needs a corresponding campervan ticket.
Sanitary facilities
There will be free showers and toilets at the campsites.
Barbecue on the campsite
To ensure safety on the campsites, glass is strictly prohibited. In addition, charcoal barbecues may only be used if they are 50 cm from the ground. Of course, the cold ashes must be disposed of independently and safely afterwards. To reduce the risk of fires, gas and electric barbecues are preferred.
Gibt es einen Supermarkt?
Die Penny Filialen sind gut zu Fuß in Hockenheim zu erreichen. Also besonderes Add-On wird es für C9 und C6 einen Penny Kiosk direkt auf dem Campingplatz geben!
Can I reserve a campsite for my friends who are coming later?
It is not possible to reserve an entire pitch, i.e. simply put a chair on it. We're not like the pool towel layers on Mallorca. However, you can set up the tent in advance if you are travelling with someone else.
What else do I need to consider?
Gas barbecues (also gas cookers) up to 450g cartridge or electric barbecues are permitted, music boxes may be brought along, PA systems are not permitted. Please be considerate of your camping neighbours and the peace and quiet of the Hockenheimers. Pavilions are not permitted at Supreme Camping for reasons of space.